We strive to include and acknowledge as many people who played a part in making the magic of Motown as possible. However, if you are aware of any omissions, please Contact Us
- Aaron, Brenda
- Abernathy, Louisa
- Abner, Ewart
- Abrams, Al
- Adams, Alberta
- Adams, Pepper
- Adams, Arthur
- Adams, Carl
- Adams, Fred
- Adams, Martha
- Adams, Nina
- Adams, Venida
- Aday, Marvin
- Adels, Robert
- Adkins, Wendel
- Aitken, Ron
- Akouris, Arthur
- Alder, John
- Ales, Barney
- Ales, Steve
- Alexander, Nate
- Alexander, Patricia
- Allen, Johnny
- Allen, Richard
- Allen, Angela
- Allen, Lynn
- Allen, Napoleon
- Allen, Sheila
- Allen, Wally
- Allen-Wong, Moy
- Allentini, Georgio
- Aller, Michelle
- Allison, Luther
- Amato, Roberta
- Ameno, Nickolas
- Anderson, George
- Anderson, Alma
- Anderson, Anthony
- Anderson, Althea
- Anderson, Doug
- Anderson, Keith
- Anderson, Cozzie
- Anderson, Prentiss
- Anderson-Owens, Edna
- Anderson-Schaffner, Katherine
- Andrews, Jack
- Andrews, Larry
- Anthony, Richard
- Antin, Brenda
- Antley, Joe
- Aquisto, Carol
- Armour, Ednora
- Armstrong, Clifford
- Armstrong, Lee
- Armstrong, Nikiter
- Arnett, Barbara
- Aron, Gustav
- Aronek, David
- Arthur, Jerrold
- Arthur, Venita
- Ashburn, Benny
- Ashby, Delta
- Ashford, Nicholas
- Ashford, Jack
- Ashford-Holmes, Rosalind
- Askey, Gil
- Atkins-Stevens, Lois
- Atkinson, Charles “Cholly Atkins”
- Atkinson, Joseph
- Austin, Kay
- Austin, Lanny
- Austin, Patti
- Avant, Clarence
- Avig, Stuart
- Babbitt, Bob
- Badanjek, Johnny “Bee”
- Badstubner, Nancy
- Bagby, Isaac
- Bailey, Ann
- Bailey, Cheryl “Cheri”
- Bailey, Jacob
- Baird, Tommy
- Baker, Michael
- Baldwin, Charles
- Balk, Harry
- Ball, Laurie Anne
- Ballard, Florence
- Ballard, Jack
- Balnius, Mary
- Banuelos, John
- Banyai, Frank
- Baraka, Imamu Amiri
- Barans, Peter
- Barbee-Fairhurst, Norma
- Barbee-McNeal, Bertha
- Barden, Charles
- Barnes, Barbara
- Barnes, Bruce
- Barnes, Dena
- Barnes, J.J.
- Barnes, Lamar
- Barnes, Terry
- Barnes, Sidney
- Barnette, Lynnaire
- Barnum, Billie
- Barnum, H.B.
- Barone, Clement
- Barrett, Lynn
- Barrios, Erlinda
- Barrow-Tate, J. Marlene
- Barthwell, Jack
- Bass, Pierre
- Bateman, Robert
- Bates, Herbert
- Bates, Sidney
- Batiste, Rose
- Battle, Laura
- Baugh, Brenda
- Bayer, Bruce
- Bealucp, Vercli
- Beard, Tweed
- Beauchamp, George
- Beavers, Jackie
- Beck, Jeff
- Bedford, Charles Dennis “Chuck”
- Bee, Tom
- Belcher, Robert
- Belgrave, Marcus
- Bell, Jerry
- Bell, Kippi
- Bell, Louise
- Belle, Bobby
- Bellard, Brenda
- Ben, LaBrenda
- Benjamin, Benny “Papa Zita”
- Benjamin, Daniel
- Benjamin, Karen
- Bennett, Cliff
- Bennett, Floyd
- Benson, Renaldo “Obie”
- Berger, Shelly
- Bernstein, Jerry
- Berry, Gwendolyn
- Bethea, Harmon
- Bethune, Janie
- Biegel, Irving
- Biggs, Edwin
- Billingslea, Joe
- Birdsong, Cindy
- Bisco, Eddie
- Bishop, James
- Black, Bill
- Black, Zell
- Blackwell, Elaine
- Blakely, B.
- Blakely, Cornell
- Blancett, George
- Blanks, Deanna
- Bluestein, Barry
- Boehret, Donald
- Bogan, Ann
- Bogrow, Milton
- Bohannon, George
- Bohannon, Hamilton
- Bohl, Dick
- Bolus, Richard
- Bond, Angelo
- Bond, Jimmy
- Bond, Vinette
- Bongiovi, Anthony
- Booker, Levi
- Boone, Ashley
- Boone, Pat
- Boone, Shirley
- Borden, Carol
- Botros, Michael
- Botros, Mounir
- Botts, Ray
- Bowden, Stephen
- Bowen, Jeffrey
- Bowen, Lily
- Bowers, Louise
- Bowler, Ralph
- Bowles, Thomas “Beans”
- Boyce, Brenda
- Boyd, Dorothy
- Boyster, Vermettya
- Brabson, Reps
- Braceley, Jr., Stanford
- Bradford-Hobbs, Janie
- Bradley, Alma
- Bradshaw, Booker
- Braithwaite, David
- Brandt, Brie
- Brauer, Bill “T.G. Sheppard”
- Breen, Bobby
- Bridges, Gil
- Brisker, Miller
- Bristol, Johnny
- Broadnax, Morris
- Brock, Bernice
- Brockenborough, Vercye
- Brockert, Mary “Teena Marie”
- Brokensha, Jack
- Brookes, Michael
- Brooks, Robert “Bobby”
- Brooks, Constance
- Brooks, Evonne
- Broussard, Mitzi
- Brown, Billie Jean
- Brown, Eddie “Bongo”
- Brown, Bunnie
- Brown, Charles
- Brown, Cliton
- Brown, Deborah
- Brown, Don
- Brown, Genie
- Brown, Jackson
- Brown, Kenneth
- Brown, Larry
- Brown, Ronald
- Brown, Vivian
- Brown, Wynnie
- Browne, Severin
- Brownlee, Norma
- Brucate, Chuck
- Bruckner, Ernest
- Bryant, Elbridge
- Bryant, Earl
- Buckley, Steve
- Buckner, Marian
- Buckner, Sherman
- Buckner, Teddy
- Buffin, Leo
- Bulk, Harry
- Bullock, Robert
- Bullock, Billie
- Bullock, Vernon
- Burgan, Leslie
- Burley, Camelia
- Burley, Janice
- Burnette, Dorsey
- Burns, Eddie
- Burns, Lucinda
- Burns, Susan
- Burnwell, Ben
- Burris, Pansy
- Burston, Alcene
- Burston, Sharon
- Burston, Tyrone
- Busbee, Anita
- Butler, Jerry
- Byrd, Carol Lynn
- Cade, Lydia
- Calahan, James Edward
- Calhoun, Bernita
- Calhoun, Evonne
- Calhoun, Michael “Mike”
- Call, Miriam
- Calloway, Edward
- Calvin, Billie Rae
- Cameron, G.C.
- Campbell, Walter “Choker”
- Campbell, Edward
- Campbell, Margaret
- Campbell, Roger
- Cannon, Al
- Cappa, Dino
- Carasik, Diane
- Carey, Dorothy
- Carey, Eugene
- Carlisi, Angelo
- Carmichael, Stokely
- Carmichael, James
- Carpenter, James
- Carr, Alice
- Carroll, Diahann
- Carswell, Juanita
- Carter, Donald
- Carter, Ron
- Caruso, Carol
- Cash, Andrea
- Cashman, Kim R.
- Cassano, Carol
- Castagne, Peter
- Castlebury, Sharon
- Caston, Leonard
- Cele, Joyce
- Centofanti, Sandro
- Chambers, Jeanne
- Chandler, Roderick
- Channel, Bruce
- Charles, Beau
- Charles, Joe
- Charles, John
- Chasky, Dan
- Chatman, Edward
- Chessen, Robert
- Chester, Susan
- Childs, Wallace
- Chong, Thomas “Tommy”
- Christie, Ken
- Christie, Lou
- Church, Derek
- Churchill, Trevor
- Cisco, Carl
- Clark, Carol
- Clark, Chris
- Clark, Dave
- Clark, Jane
- Clark, Marilyn
- Clark, Rosalind
- Clark, Tony
- Clawson, E.G.
- Clay, Tom
- Clayton, Joe
- Clayton, Ray
- Clayton, Zona
- Cleveland, Alfred “Al”
- Clinton, George
- Cobb, Ed
- Cochran, James
- Coffey, Dennis
- Cogger, Richard
- Cohen, Rob
- Cohen, Shirley
- Cohn, Stephen
- Cole, Carolyn
- Cole, Harry
- Colecchio, Rita
- Coleman, Hazel
- Coleman, Robert
- Coleman, Dorothy
- Coleman, Gary
- Coleman, Martin
- Coleman, Michael
- Coleman, Patricia
- Colen, Jr., Dave
- Colgan, Beatrice
- Collins, Charles
- Collins, Joe
- Collins, Johnny
- Collins, Ron
- Constanza, Ritchie
- Contractor, Shirish
- Conway, Russell
- Cook, Seatha
- Coolures, George
- Coons, Byron
- Cooper, Steven
- Cope, Darryl
- Copeland, George
- Copeland, Ron
- Cordell, Phil
- Cosby, Henry
- Cosby, Bill
- Cosby, Patricia
- Costa, Gaetano “Guy”
- Costanza, David
- Coston, Suzanne
- Coursey, John T.
- Cousar, Bob
- Cowart, Juanita
- Cox, Steve
- Cox, Taylor
- Craig, Ken
- Crawford, Carolyn
- Crawford, Hank
- Creggett, Mariea
- Crockett, Howard
- Crockett, L.
- Crook, James
- Crosby, Bob
- Cross, Carolyn
- Crossley, Raymond
- Crouch, Sandra
- Crowl, Chuck
- Crumpler, M.J.
- Curland, Lisa
- Curry, Howard
- Cutler, Carl
- D’Andrea, Bob
- D’Andrea, Federico
- D’Angelo-Oliver, Charlene
- D’Anna, Antonino
- D’Antigac, Diane
- Da Kroob, Mel
- Dalton, Jack
- Dancho, Dante
- Dandridge, Frank
- Daniel, Catherine
- Daniels, Ron
- Danner, Margaret
- Darin, Bobby
- Darnell, Larry
- Davidson, Charles
- Davis, Donald
- Davis, Harold “Hal”
- Davis, Hugh “Huey”
- Davis, Ossie
- Davis, William “Billy”
- Davis, Andrew
- Davis, Billy
- Davis, Charles
- Davis, Clifton
- Davis, Danny
- Davis, David
- Davis, Elizabeth
- Davis, Hagan Marcell
- Davis, Harold
- Davis, Luzinka
- Davis, Mark
- Davis, Maurice
- Davis, William
- Davis, Jr., Sammy
- Dawson, Johnny
- Dawson, Emerio
- Day, Danny
- De Leon, Nelia
- Dean, Debbie
- Dean, James
- Dean, Rosalind
- DeBarge, Bobby
- DeBarge, Bunny
- DeBarge, Chico
- DeBarge, Eldra “El”
- DeBarge, Etterlene
- DeBarge, James
- DeBarge, Jonathan
- DeBarge, Mark “Marty”
- DeBarge, Randy
- DeBarge, Thomas
- Debban, Merle “Craig”
- DeCoteaux, Bertha
- Dee, Kiki
- Del Core, Marcia
- DeLeon, Ralph
- Demps, Louvaine
- DeMudd, Pierre
- Dennis, Beverly Ann
- Dennis, Robert
- Denson, Curtis
- Denton, Michael
- DePasse, Suzanne
- DePierro, Tom
- DeRocher, Leo
- DeShay, George
- DeVito, Tommy
- Di Noble, Alan
- Di Staso, Nicola
- Diamond, Hank
- Diamond, Carol
- Diamond, Joel
- Diamonde, Dick
- Dickerson, Charlie
- Dickerson, John Lawrence “Big John”
- DiMirco, Vincent
- DiNoble, Alan
- Dixon, George W.
- Dixon, Henry “Hank”
- Dixon, Jan
- Dobbins, Georgeanna
- Dodd, Gregory
- Does, Cecilia
- Dominick, June
- Donaldson, Fawn
- Dooley, Cassandra
- Dotson, Reginald
- Douglas, Lizetta
- Douglas, Wendy
- Dowdle, Carolyn
- Downes, Paddy Joseph
- Doyle, Peter
- Dozier, Elizabeth “Ann”
- Dozier, Lamont
- Drake, Doug
- Drakes, Barbara
- Drummond, Oscar
- Dudley, Erwin
- Dulin, Alice
- Dumas, Lucreasia
- Duncan, Darryl
- Duncan, Charlene
- Dunlap, Cheryl
- Dunlap, Randolph
- Dunn, Emily
- Dunn, John
- Durham, Ernie “Frantic”
- Dyer, Ada
- East, Ken
- Eaton, Craig
- Echnoz, Dale
- Eckstine, William “Billy”
- Edmonds, Frances
- Edmonds, Sharon
- Edwards, Charles “Lefty”
- Edwards, Edgar “Chico”
- Edwards, George H.
- Edwards, Patricia
- Edwards, Stacy
- Edwards, Jr., Dennis
- Eiseman, Herbert
- Elder, Norman
- Ellie, James
- Ellington, Natalie
- Elliot, Charles
- Elliot, Earl
- Elliott, Brenda
- Ellis, James
- Ellison, Betty
- Ellison, Marilyn
- Ellison, Margie
- Epps, James “Sweet”
- Errisson, King
- Escobar, Mario
- Ethridge, Hosana
- Evans, Brenda Joyce
- Evans, Gary
- Evans, Theresa
- Eveland, Dennis
- Evely, David
- Fagin, John “Maurice”
- Fagin, Sandra
- Fair, Leroy
- Fair, Yvonne
- Fakir, Abdul “Duke”
- Falconer, Ralph
- Falconer, Seymour
- Fambrough, Henry
- Faniel-Hosendove, Pauline
- Farrell, Joe
- Farren, Robert
- Fearman, Eric
- Fekaris, Dino
- Felder, Wilton
- Feliciano, Jose
- Fenwick, Dennis
- Ferrer, Constance
- Ferro, Nick
- Fidge, Richard
- Fields, Barry
- Fields, Delores
- Fields, Lou
- Fields, Vanetta
- Finley, Guy
- Finnegan, Judith
- Fisher, James
- Fleet, Gordon
- Fleming, Robert
- Fletcher, Don
- Floyd, King
- Floyd, Eddie
- Fluellen, Eddie
- Fogle, R. Wayne
- Fonda, Peter
- Fontaine, Eli
- Fontaine, Lester
- Fontaine , Lon
- Foreman, Rilly
- Forest, Chet
- Forney, Sandra
- Fort, Lillie
- Forte, Rubien
- Foster, Darla
- Foster, Donald
- Foster, Olivia
- Foust, Jeff
- Fowler, George
- Fraire, Gilbert
- Fralin, Peter
- Frank, Brenda
- Franklin, Melvin “Blue”
- Franklin, Deborah
- Frederick, Carolyn
- Freudenberg, Paul
- Frye, Cathy
- Fulgham, William “Billy”
- Fuller, Gwen- Joyce
- Fulton, Lori
- Fuqua, Harvey
- Gadson, James
- Gaillard, Bernard
- Gaines, Walter A.
- Gaines , Barbara
- Gaither, Stanley
- Gale, Eric
- Galich, Albin
- Gallagher, Patricia
- Gallagher, Seamus
- Ganim, Robert
- Gann, Carol
- Garber, Jesus
- Garcia, Ralph
- Gardener, Margerita
- Gardener, Stu
- Garnett, Ronald
- Garrard, Glenn
- Garrett, James “Jimmy”
- Garrett, Deborah “Siedah”
- Garrett, Hattie
- Garrett, Lee
- Garrett, William
- Garriss, R.C.
- Gasperada, Roy
- Gaston, Gloria E.
- Gaudio, Bob
- Gavin, Robert
- Gay, Council
- Gaye, Frankie
- Gaye, Marvin
- Gayten, Paul
- Gentile, Mickey
- Ghant, Candice “Candi”
- Gibbs, Jane
- Gibson, Andrew
- Gibson, Jack
- Gibson, Raymond
- Gilbert, Monica
- Giles, Barbara
- Gilford, Jimmy
- Gill, Larry
- Gill-Arbor, Mildred “Millie”
- Gill-Street, Carolyn “Cal”
- Gilreath, Eddie
- Gilson, Patti
- Gittens, James
- Glascock, Brian
- Glascock, John
- Glasser, Art
- Glenn, Leila
- Glover, John
- Glover, Terry
- Goga, Jack
- Gold, Judie
- Goldberg, Janet
- Goldstein, Wynn
- Golema, Doug
- Gomes, James
- Gonzales, Gabriela
- Gooch, Donald
- Gooch, Edward
- Gooch, Mae
- Gooch, Sandra
- Gooch, Etta
- Good, Tommy
- Gooden, Geraldine
- Gooding, Sr., Cuba
- Goosley, Ronnie
- Gordon, Billy
- Gordon, Marcia
- Gordon, Roger
- Gordy, Bertha
- Gordy, Fuller
- Gordy, George
- Gordy, Thomas
- Gordy, Desiree
- Gordy, Hazel
- Gordy, Kerry
- Gordy, Kennedy “Rockwell”
- Gordy, Rodney
- Gordy, Roxanna
- Gordy, Roy
- Gordy, Sharon
- Gordy, Terry James
- Gordy Bristol, Iris
- Gordy Bristol, Karla
- Gordy Edwards, Esther
- Gordy Fuqua, Gwen
- Gordy Gaye, Anna
- Gordy-Wakefield, Louyce
- Gordy, IV, Berry
- Gordy, Jr., Robert Louis
- Gordy, Jr., Berry
- Gordy, Sr., Berry
- Gordy, Sr., Robert
- Gore, Lesley
- Gorfaine, Mike
- Gorman, Freddie
- Gorney, Debra
- Gould, Theresa
- Grace, Michael
- Grady, Joan
- Grant, Cornelius
- Grant, Reginald
- Grantling, Eddie
- Gratts, Robert
- Graves, James
- Gray, Ardelle
- Gray, Gwendolyn
- Graziano, Charles
- Grear, Thelma
- Greb, Ronnie
- Greb, Rick
- Greco, Chris
- Green, Adolph
- Green, Gerald “Jerry”
- Green, James
- Green, Willie
- Greenberg, Bruce
- Greene, Ed
- Greene, Holly
- Greene, Sandra
- Greene, Susaye
- Greene, Tony
- Greer, Paula
- Gregg, Joe
- Gregory, Miles
- Gregory, Virginia
- Grey, Albert
- Griffin, Junius
- Griffin, Billy
- Griffin, Carl
- Griffin, Herman
- Griffin, Lindsay
- Griffin, Lisa
- Griffith, Johnny
- Griffiths, Marcia
- Griner, Linda
- Grosscup, Wendy
- Grubbs, Adele
- Guest, William
- Guinn, Bonnie
- Guinn, Earl
- Guinn, Elgin “Skip”
- Guinn, Margie
- Guinn, Michael
- Guinn, Randy
- Gunther, Junior
- Guzman, Ed
- Hager, Peggy
- Haines, Connie
- Hale, Fay
- Hall, Bobbye
- Hall, C. Gerald
- Hamer, Jack
- Hamilton, Bettye
- Hamilton, Dave
- Hamilton, George
- Hammer, Jack
- Hammond, Johnny
- Hampton, Slide
- Hampton, Willa
- Haney, Jack
- Hardaway, Lula Mae
- Hardaway, Calvin
- Hardin, Tim
- Hardman, Perry
- Hargreaves, George
- Harnell, Joe
- Harrell, Vivian
- Harris, Bobby
- Harris, Calvin
- Harris, Charles Warren
- Harris, Damon
- Harris, Sam
- Harris, Joe
- Harris, John
- Harris, Phoebe
- Harris, Warren Paul
- Harris, Jr., Teddy
- Harrison, Arthur
- Harrison, David
- Harrison, Edward
- Harritate, Elvie
- Hart, Lillian “Lillie”
- Hart, Barbara
- Hartfield, Pete
- Hartwick, Dayna
- Harville, Ronald
- Haskins, Betty Jo “Bettye LaVette”
- Hathcock, Barbara
- Hausch, Jeanne
- Hayes, Otis “Little Otis”
- Hayes, William
- Heard, Oma
- Heard, Patricia
- Heard Maclin, Fran
- Henderson, William “Billy”
- Henderson, Barrington “Bo”
- Henderson, Debbie
- Henderson, Jolene
- Henderson, Michael
- Henderson, Ray
- Henderson, Wayne
- Henderson, Wes
- Hendin, James “Jim”
- Henley, Eula
- Henry, Virgil
- Henslee, Gene
- Hensley, Ken
- Herkert, Richard
- Hernandez, Danny
- Hernandez, E.
- Hernandez, Ron
- Herndon, Joe
- Herrera, Lee
- Hersey, Brad
- Hester, Denese
- Hetherington, John
- Hicks, Jacqueline “Jackie”
- Hicks, Lois
- HIggins, Judy
- Higgs, Claude
- Hill, Cheryl
- Hill, Dollie
- Hill, Eddie
- Hill, Laura
- Hill, Marzell
- Hill, Theron “T Man”
- Hinton, Joe
- Hirsch, Ken
- Hitfield, James
- Hix, Bruce
- Hochberg, Jerry
- Hodge, Karen
- Hodge, ILona
- Hoey, Pam
- Hoggs, Billy
- Holland, Doris
- Holland, Lincoln
- Holland, Brian
- Holland, Carole
- Holland, Chris
- Holland, Edward “Eddie”
- Holliday, Nehda
- Holloway, Patrice
- Holloway, Brenda
- Holmes, Robert
- Hood, Robert
- Hooper, Nesbert “Stix”
- Hoorelbeke, Pete “Rivera”
- Horn, James “Jim”
- Horn, Lawrence
- Horne, Cleveland
- Horner, Billy
- Horsley, Billy
- Horton, Gladys
- Hosendove, Pauline
- Hostetter, Paul
- Householder, J.
- Houston, Michael
- Houston, Tate
- Houston, Thelma
- Howard, Carolyn
- Howard, Eloise
- Howard, Jean
- Howard, Linda
- Howell, Reuben
- Howell, Adrienne
- Hrabinsky, Harry
- Hubbard, Freddie
- Hubbard, Deborah
- Hubbard, Lewis
- Hubbard, Janet
- Hudgins, Gilbert
- Hudnut, Bill
- Hudson Afable, Mina
- Hughes, Langston
- Hughes, Kimberly
- Hull, Ted
- Humphreys, Paul
- Hunt, Bobby
- Hunter, Joe
- Hunter, Tyrone “Ty”
- Hunter, Donald
- Hunter, Ivy Jo
- Hurdle, Les
- Hutch, Willie
- Hutchinson, James
- Hutchinson, Dorothy
- Ikeda, Suzee
- Ilku, Elizabeth “Liz”
- Ingram, Phillip
- Isabell, Clarence
- Isgro, Joseph
- Isley, Ronald
- Isley, Rudolph “Rudy”
- Isley, Jr., O’Kelly
- Ismail, Muhammad
- Ivy, Helen
- Jack, Stephan
- Jackson, Michael
- Jackson, Pervis
- Jackson, Chuck
- Jackson, Clarence
- Jackson, Connie
- Jackson-Sanders, Debra
- Jackson, Felicia
- Jackson, Jackie
- Jackson, James
- Jackson, Jeana
- Jackson, Jermaine
- Jackson, Marlon
- Jackson, McKinley
- Jackson, Patricia
- Jackson, Tito
- Jackson-Gordy, Sherry
- Jamerson, James
- James, Rick
- James, Bob
- James, Debbie
- James, Joe
- James, Keef
- James, Kenny
- Jameson, Max
- Jamison, Marlene
- Jamison, Mildred
- Jasper, Chris
- Jefferson, Ernie
- Jefferson, Katie
- Jenkins, Bobby
- Jenkins, Pamela
- Jenkins, Milton
- Jenkins, Yvonne
- Jennings, Jr., Nathaniel “Nate”
- Jeresek, Greg
- Jerome, Patti “P.J.”
- Jerrick, Andrew
- Jiles-Davidson, Rebecca
- Jobim, Antonio Carlos
- John, Mable
- John Pedrick, Jr., Robert
- Johnson, Floyd
- Johnson, Hubert
- Johnson, Marv
- Johnson, Alan
- Johnson, Bill
- Johnson, Brenda
- Johnson, Curtis
- Johnson, Edward
- Johnson, Evelyn
- Johnson, Gloria
- Johnson, Harold
- Johnson, James
- Johnson, James T.
- Johnson, John
- Johnson, Larry
- Johnson, Lula J. “Leila”
- Johnson, Marjorie
- Johnson, Michael
- Johnson, Stacie
- Johnson, Terry “Buzzie”
- Johnson, William
- Johnson, Yvonne
- Johnston, Ardena
- Jones, Phil
- Jones, Uriel
- Jones, Anthony
- Jones, Bill
- Jones, Bob
- Jones, Donna
- Jones, Doris
- Jones, Eddie
- Jones, Floyd
- Jones, Floyd A.
- Jones, Geraldine
- Jones, Gloria
- Jones, Jonah
- Jones, Letha
- Jones, Lovell
- Jones, Joyce
- Jones, Regina
- Jones, Robert
- Jones, Ronnie
- Jones, Rose
- Jones, Royce
- Jones, Wriston
- Jones, Geraldine
- Jones, Stanley
- Jones, Tamiko
- Jones, Sr., Carroll
- Jordan, Glen
- Jorge, Edwin
- Joseph, Vivian
- Joseph ” Abdullah”, McLean
- Jupiter, Duke
- Jurishica, Augie
- Karkenny, Sonia
- Karoub, Carl
- Kasell, Kristen
- Kawashima, Dale
- Kayli, Bob
- Kee, Gene
- Kee, William
- Kelley, Betty
- Kelley, Ernest
- Kelly, Irene
- Kelly, Mary
- Kendall, Alan
- Kendrick, Clarence
- Kendrick, Kevin
- Kendrick, Willie
- Kendricks, Eddie “Cornbread”
- Kent, Al
- Keppen, Kathleen
- Kerr, George
- Kerry, Dorothy
- Kerslake, Lee
- Kessler, Larry
- Key, Veronica
- Keys, Gene
- Kim, Nami
- Kimbrough, Carolyn
- King, Maurice
- King, Robbie
- King, Alonzo
- King, Atiba
- King, Barbara
- King, Clydie
- King, Earl
- King, Gregory
- King, Jo
- King, Leonard
- King, Renay
- King, Tyrone
- King, William
- King, Jr., Martin Luther
- Kirkpatrick, Art
- Klassen, David
- Klassen, John
- Klein, Al
- Klimas, Larry
- Klouwer, Theo
- Knechtel, Larry
- Knight, Gladys
- Knight, Merald “Bubba”
- Knight Brown, Winifred
- Koffman, Mark
- Kornfield, Artie
- Kosinski, Richard
- Kosloski, Leonard
- Kubert, Joseph
- Kubinec, David “Kubie”
- Kuczera, Joseph
- La Font, Karen
- La Roche, Marjorie
- La Roche, Marjorie
- Lammi, Eleanor
- Lance, Major
- Landis, Karl
- Lands, Liz
- Langford, Edward
- Lanier, Patrick
- Lantion, Lourdes
- LaPread, Ronald
- Lark, Edythe
- Lasker, Jay
- Lasky, Emanuel
- Lattisaw, Stacey
- Laurence, Lynda
- Lavigni, John
- Law, Fred
- Laws, Hubert
- Lawson, Alfred
- Lawson, Floyd
- Leatherwood, Phyllis
- Leben, Vicki
- Lebo, Myra
- Lee, Darlene
- Lee, Johnny
- Lee, “Swing”
- Legrand, Michael
- Leighton, Lewis
- Leitner, Evelyn
- Leiviska, Ken
- Leiviska, Nancy
- Leiviska, Sandy
- Lena, Chris
- Lennox, Gloria
- Leonard, Ellen
- Leonard, Glenn
- Lessner, Michael
- Lett, Carolyn
- Lettick, Jan
- Leverett, Charles “Chico”
- Leverett, Thelma
- Levington, Archie
- Lewis, Helen
- Lewis, John
- Lewis, Kay
- Lewis, Lisa “Little Lisa”
- Lewis, Orson
- Lewis, Ted
- Light, Jerry
- Lindsay, Theresa
- Linton, Heather
- Lippman, Linda
- Littles, Hattie
- LiVigni, John
- Lizzio, Michael
- Lloyd, Curtis
- Lloyd, George “Lucky”
- Lloyd, Tyrone
- Logan, Michael Ann
- Logan, Mildred
- Logan, Ronald
- Lomax, Gail
- Lombardi, Ron
- Londin, Larry
- Londin, Lonnie
- London, Jr., Miller
- Long, Frederick “Shorty”
- Long, Jeannie
- Long, Jerry
- Long, Joe
- Longley, Karen
- Lorenz, Jack
- Lorenz, John
- Lorick, Marian
- Louis, John J.
- Louis, Robert
- Lovesmith, Michael
- Lovett, Rob
- Lovett, Jr., Leroy
- Lowe, Dorothy
- Lowery, Ruth
- Lowy, Jay
- Lucas, Theodore “Ted”
- Lucas, Frances
- Luck, Chuck A.
- Lumpkin, Henry
- Lupper, Kenny
- Lushka, Michael “Mike”
- Lussier, Dennis
- Lyman, Steve
- Lynch, Ronald
- Mabin, Ann
- Mack, Clifford
- Mack, James
- Mack, Sammy
- Mackie, Eino
- Madison, Tina
- Maerov, Lauri
- Mafia, Kasuku
- Mallett-Edwards, Saundra
- Man, Reverend Columbus
- Manning, Carol
- Manns, Lena
- Maples, Clarence
- Maples, Mitchell
- Marcellino, Jerry
- Marcus, Wade
- Marine, Yvette “Corvette”
- Markum, David (Dewey) “Pigmeat”
- Marr, Hank
- Marshall, Denise
- Marshall, John
- Marshall, Richard
- Martin, Diane
- Martin, Brenda Kim
- Martin, Michael
- Martin, Michelle
- Martin, Roger
- Martin, Sonny “Skip”
- Martin, Tony
- Martin, Winifred
- Martin-Richardson, Barbara
- Martin, Jr., Tony
- Martine, John
- Martinez, A. Michael
- Martino, Walter
- Marzett, Brenda
- Masekela, Hugh
- Mason, Petural
- Mason, Rickman
- Masser, Michael
- Massey, Doris
- Massi, Nick
- Mathieson, Greg
- Matousek, John
- Matthews, Denise “Vanity”
- Matthews, Joe
- Matthews, Rick
- Matthews, Sherlie Mae
- Matlock, Ronn
- Maxwell, Larry
- Maxwell, Clarice
- May, Phil
- Mayeron, Candace
- Mays, Jr., Carl
- Mbulu, Letta
- McAdam, Ed
- Mcallister, Jim
- McArthur, Sy
- McCalpin, Michael
- McCarty, Jim
- McCaskill, Glynettie
- McCaskill, Mary
- McClary, Thomas
- McClean, Norbert
- McClinton, Eric
- McClish (Keith), Adrian
- McClure, Ike
- McClure, Sandra
- McCord, Kathy
- McCoy, Stephanie
- McCoy, Van
- McCullers, Mickey
- McDonald, Clarence
- McDougal, Weldon
- McDowell, Carrie
- McDuffie, Denise
- McDuffie, Joanne “JoJo”
- McFadden, Terry
- McFarland, Gerald
- McField, Anne
- McFrazier, J.
- McGilberry, Harry
- McGloiry, Michael
- McGlown-Travis, Bettie Jean
- McGrier, Allen
- McGregor, George
- McKalpain, Nathan
- McKalpain, Wayne
- McKayle, Donald
- McKenzie, Don
- McLean, Michael
- McLeod, Marilyn
- McMahan, Jennifer
- McMillan, Annete
- McMullen, Stanley
- McMurray, Clay
- McNair, Barbara
- McNair, Curtis
- McNeir, Ronnie
- McPhie, Jerry
- Medina, Benny
- Meeks, Marx
- Mejia, Victor
- Melvin, Gary
- Melvin, Sylvester
- Merchant, Donna
- Merritt, Michael
- Messina, Joe
- Meyers, Carla
- Meyers, Dave
- Meyers, Ed
- Meyers, Frances
- Michaels, Tony
- Michalski, Bob
- Michels, Hank
- Michler, Ron
- Milburn, Steve
- Miles, Lawrence
- Millburn, Amos
- Millburn, Steve
- Miller, Cleotha “Duke”
- Miller, Ronald
- Miller, Alvin “Skip”
- Miller, Lester
- Miller, Joan
- Miller-Bedikian, Rhonda
- Miller, Ron
- Mills, Barbara
- Mills, Stephanie
- Miner, Raynard
- Mitchell, Bill
- Mitchell, Barbara
- Mitchell, Blue
- Mitchell, E.
- Mitchell, James
- Mitchell, Johnny
- Mitchell, Petrey
- Mitchell, Richard
- Mitchell, Vernessa
- Mitchum, Louis
- Mixon, Nancy
- Mizell, Alfonso “Fonce”
- Moizel, Peggy
- Moloci, Nicholas
- Monette, Ray
- Monks, Margaret
- Montgomery, Gary
- Montgomery, Monk
- Moore, Eugene “BeBe”
- Moore, Warren “Pete”
- Moore, Clifford
- Moore, Lee Henry
- Moore, Mary Joe
- Moore, Sally
- Moore, William “Wild Bill”
- Moran, Liz
- Morant, Karen
- Moress, Rikki
- Morgan, Cassandra
- Morgan, Leo
- Morgan, Michael
- Morgan, Mike
- Morgan, Scott
- Morris, Joseph
- Morris, Richard
- Morton, Cindy
- Moss, Earl
- Mosses, Larry
- Mouzon, Yolanda
- Mowers, Patrick
- Moy, Sylvia
- Moy, Melvin
- Muhammad, Idris
- Muhren, Arnold
- Mullings, Sylvia
- Mullins, Dee
- Munoz, Leonora
- Murden, Orlando
- Murphy, Marshall
- Murphy, Shaun “Stoney”
- Murray, Bill
- Murray, Kitty
- Mycroft, Tim
- Myers, John
- Nance, Jim Bob
- Narcus, Nancy
- Needleman, Peggy
- Nero, Frances
- Newman, Joel
- Newman, Ron
- Newsome, Ernest
- Newsome, Nate
- Newton, Antonio “Tony”
- Newton, Irma
- Nicholas, Emmanuel
- Nichols, Allan
- Nicks, Billy “Stix”
- Nielsen, Shirley
- Noel, Reuben
- Nolan, Tess
- Nolen, Curtis
- Noonan, Thomas E.
- Norris, Joseph B.
- Northrup, Ken
- Novak, Harold
- Novak, Sidney
- Nozero, Larry
- Nucilli, Edward
- Nyx, James
- O’Connell, Michael
- O’Den, John
- O’Guinn, Ron
- O’Leary, Joe
- O’Neil, Barry
- Ocha, Bette
- Oddis, Ray
- Odmark, Ronald
- Okrent, Brendan
- Olgenicoff, Igor
- Olhsson, Robert
- Oliner, Charles
- Oliver, John
- Olsen, Mark
- Ondercin, Mike
- Orange, Walter “Clyde”
- Ossman, Mike
- Ostrowiecki, Frank
- Oswald, Alex
- Otis, Johnny
- Outcault, James “Chips”
- Owens, Ricky
- Pacheco, Janet
- Pack, Michael
- Pagan, Bruni
- Page, Gene
- Pallante, Virginia “Ginny”
- Palmer, Bruce
- Palmer, Earl
- Pangborn, Robert
- Parker, Eddie
- Parker, Lillie
- Parker, Jr., Ray
- Parks, Gino
- Parks, Weldon
- Patrick, Contrella
- Patrick, Robert
- Patten, Edward
- Patterson, Edward
- Patterson, Worthy
- Patterson (Malia), Norris (Kasuka)
- Paul, Clarence
- Paul, Bunny
- Payne, Ernie
- Payne, Patricia
- Payne, Scherrie
- Payton, Lawrence
- Peacock, Bernie
- Peake, Donald
- Pearson, Jewell
- Pelka, Henry
- Pello, Gene
- Pendleton, Denise
- Pendleton, Wilfield J.
- Penn, Lynda
- Penzabene, Roger
- Peoples, Theo
- Periano, Joe
- Perren, Freddie
- Perrin, Sue
- Perrone, Vincent
- Perry, Dorothy
- Perry, Otto
- Persh, John
- Perskson, Tommy “Shaky”
- Peterback, Jr., George Wesley
- Peters, Lewis
- Peterson, Lester
- Peterson, Paul
- Peterson, Tyrone
- Pettus, Kenny
- Phillips, Alphonza
- Phillips, Esther
- Pickett, Wilson
- Pierce, Dorothy
- Pierson, Gail
- Pike, Kay Mead
- Pilchik, Felice
- Pillot, Leo
- Pinto, Denise
- Pitchford, Jim
- Pitman, Bill
- Planko, Paulette
- Plant, Pamela
- Podgajski, Jerome
- Podorski, Joseph
- Pointer, Anita
- Pointer, Bonnie
- Pointer, June
- Pointer, Ruth
- Pollack, Edward
- Pondiccehello, Harry
- Ponican, Carol
- Porcelli, Paul
- Porter, Joe
- Postles, Doryce
- Potts, Sylvester
- Potts, James
- Povey, John
- Powell, Maxine
- Powell, Ennis
- Powell, Patricia
- Powell, Rick
- Powers, Bill
- Powers, Johnny
- Prado, Sal
- Prather Harris, Sonya
- Pree, Dawn
- Preston, Billy
- Price, Louis
- Price, Rhonda
- Price, Vaughn
- Price, Woody
- Prince, Gordon
- Prince, Carolyn
- Prince, Dave
- Probber, Jamian
- Proctor, Billy
- Proctor, Jay
- Pruitt, Joseph
- Pruitt, Pamela
- Pruitt, Ralph
- Pryor, John
- Pryor, Richard
- Przano, Anthony
- Purdie, Bernard “Pretty”
- Pylott, Leo
- Quackenbush, Gary
- Quackenbush, Glenn
- Quatro, Michael
- Quiroga, Gloria
- Raetz, Carl
- Ragin, Melvin “Wah Wah Watson”
- Raines, Danny
- Rajewski, Richard
- Ramos, Wanda
- Ramsey, John
- Ramsey, Babara
- Randi, John
- Randolph, Barbara
- Randolph, Jimmy
- Randolph, R.
- Randon, Ruthie
- Ranelin, Phil
- Ravencraft, Bill
- Rawal, Pramod
- Raye, Anthony
- Reasor, Maggie
- Redd, Edward
- Reddy, John
- Redmond, Ella
- Reeves, Joan
- Reeves, Lois
- Reeves, Martha
- Regan, Russ
- Regen, Scotty
- Remus, Eugene
- Renet, Sean
- Revels, Donald
- Reyes, Marlene
- Rice, Sir Mack
- Richards, Deke
- Richards, Emil
- Richards, Rod
- Richardson, Gloria
- Richardson, John Scott
- Richie, Lionel
- Rick, Tommy
- Rickert, Ralf
- Riggs, Daniel
- Riguez, Rod
- Rios, Guillermo
- Riperton, Minnie
- Riser, Sr., Paul
- Ritter (Miller), Gail
- Rivera, Peter
- Rivera, Rebecca
- Rivers, Sylvester
- Roach, Jimmy
- Robbins, Randall
- Roberson, Judith
- Robertson, Bill “Tiger”
- Robinson, Archie
- Robinson, Beverly
- Robinson, Claudette
- Robinson, Curtis
- Robinson, Danny
- Robinson, Mitchell
- Robinson, William “Smokey”
- Robison, Roberta
- Robitaille, Robert
- Rochon, Bob
- Rochon, Larry
- Rodd, Julia
- Rodgers, Ernest “Ernie”
- Rodgers, Rosa
- Rodriguez, Ruben
- Rogan, Thomas
- Rogers, LaTasha “MC Trouble”
- Rogers, Robert “Bobby”
- Rogers, Lee
- Rogers, Wanda
- Ronayne, Margaret
- Rooks, Gwendolyn
- Rose, Dennis
- Rose, Ronald
- Rosen, Lewis
- Rosen, Steven
- Rosenblatt, G.
- Rosene, Robert
- Roshkind, Michael
- Ross, Arthur “T-Boy”
- Ross, Diana
- Ross, Jerry
- Ross, Yvette
- Ross, Jr., Fred
- Roumell, Tony
- Roundtree, George
- Rowley, Michael
- Royster, Juana
- Rubini, Mike
- Rucker, Bruce
- Rudolph, Lorrie
- Rudy, Carolyn
- Ruffin, David
- Ruffin, Jimmy
- Rush, Otis “Little Otis”
- Russel, Karen
- Russell, Lois
- Ryan, Irene
- Ryder, Mitch
- Sabadash, Gary
- Sabb, Annette
- Salaam, Abdul “Chiefy”
- Salah, Charles
- Salke, Alan
- Sample, Joe
- Samuelson, L.
- Sanders, Angelia
- Sanders, William “Sonny”
- Sandhu, Gurdev
- Sandridge, Debbie
- Sands, Ken
- Santolla, Pauline
- Santos, Gaudie
- Saunders, Anita
- Saunders, Maurice
- Sawyer, Pam
- Saxton, Mary
- Schaffner, Joe
- Schieffer, Mike
- Schiffer, George
- Schifrin, Lalo
- Schilder, Jaap
- Schlatter, George
- Schlesinger, Tommy
- Schwartz, Harvey
- Schwartz, Mark
- Scott, Barbara G.
- Scott Studebaker, Deborah
- Scott, Lisa
- Scott, Raymond
- Scott, Renaulta
- Scott, Richard
- Scott, Terry
- Scurti, Gene
- Sebastian, Joel
- Sekulidis, Donna
- Seltzer, Ralph
- Sembello, Mike
- Shann, Michelle
- Sharon, Ralph
- Sharp, Curtis
- Sheats, Ben
- Sheely, Ted
- Sheffield, Simone
- Shelby, Oliver
- Sheldon, Rita
- Shelton, Betty
- Shelton, Eugene
- Shelton, Louie
- Shensky, Vincent
- Sheppard, Bunky
- Sherlock, Karen
- Shorter, Willie
- Shuler, Lauren
- Siciliano, Anthony
- Sill, Lester
- Silva, John
- Simmons, Elliott
- Simmons, Gerald
- Simons, Michael
- Simpson, Valerie
- Sims, Jody
- Singleton, Raynoma
- Singleton, Ed
- Sion, Leslie
- Sirard, Charles “Charlie”
- Sissle-Hinds, Cynthia
- Slater, Zachery
- Slaughter, Alfred
- Slaughter, Don
- Small, Pam
- Smalls, Clifton
- Smith, Bobby
- Smith, Ocia “O.C.”
- Smith, Andrew
- Smith, Aaron
- Smith, Audrey
- Smith, Beveline
- Smith, Bucky
- Smith, Carlin
- Smith, Lindsay
- Smith, Lonnie
- Smith, Pat
- Smith, Stephen
- Smith, Thelma
- Smith, Willie
- Smythe, Leila
- Snuffer, Jane
- Solomon, George
- Soumare, A.
- Spann, George
- Speak, Patricia
- Spencer, Crathman “C.P.”
- Spencer, Carolyn
- Spencer, Karen
- Spinazola, Joseph
- Spreadburry, Karen
- Springer, Marion
- Sraunton, John
- Gerard, Judy
- James, Phyllis
- Stafford, Tracye
- Stanton, Cynthia
- Staples, Gordon
- Stark, Barbara
- Stark , Susie
- Starkey, Skip
- Starr, Edwin
- Starr, Martha
- Staton, Terry
- Staunton, Robert
- Staunton, John
- Steele, Maureen
- Steele, Shirley
- Steiman, Stanley
- Steinholtz, Jerry
- Stephens, Charlie
- Stephens, Larry
- Stephens, Tennyson
- Sterling-Helton, Annette
- Stevenson, William “Mickey”
- Stevenson, Barbara
- Stevenson, Rosalind
- Stewart, Arthur
- Stewart, Joe
- Stirling, Peter “Ben Case”
- Stitt, Sonny
- Stokes, Charles
- Stokes, Sandra
- Stone-Banks, Rose
- Stonehouse, Maureen
- Stoner, Dennis
- Story, Allen “Bo”
- Stoudmyre, Billie Jean
- Stover, Elsie
- Stover, Kenneth
- Stratton, Laura
- Strawbridge, Billy
- Street, Richard
- Strenk, Vince
- Strick, Daniel
- Stricklen, Arteria
- Stringfellow, Valerie
- Strong, Barrett
- Stuart, Murray
- Stubblefield, Clyde
- Stubbs, Joe
- Stubbs, Jr., Levi
- Suazo, Jomac
- Sudberry, Harold
- Sudduth, Pamela
- Suglia, Tony
- Sullivan, Obie
- Summer, Ken
- Summers, Joesph
- Summers, Linda
- Supman, Milton “Soupy Sales”
- Sutton, Brenda
- Sutton, Marvin
- Sutton, Mike
- Swaggerty, Kellick
- Swanson, Eric
- Sweet, Rebecca
- Swift, Joe
- Szabo, Lorraine
- Tabb, Michelle
- Talbert, Gary
- Tann, Joseph
- Tarlton, Paddy
- Tarplin, Marvin
- Taylor, Bobby
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, Baby
- Taylor, Dick
- Taylor, Doris
- Taylor, Gaylord
- Taylor, Harold
- Taylor, Marie
- Taylor, Jeff
- Taylor, Phillip
- Taylor, R. Dean
- Taylor, Ross
- Taylor, Samuel
- Taylor, Sherri
- Taylor, Tom
- Tedesco, Thomas
- Tener, Renee
- Tenryck, Richard
- Terrana, Ralph
- Terrana, Russ
- Terrell, Tammi
- Terrell, Jean
- Terry, Andrew “Mike”
- Terry-Ross, Patricia
- Teschner, Gloria
- Tex, Joe
- Tharp, Evelyn
- Theus, Gerald
- Thomas, Anthony
- Thomas, Edythe
- Thomas, Harold
- Thomas, Leon
- Thomas, Lynn
- Thomas, Vic
- Thompson, Al
- Thompson, Guy
- Thompson, Joseph
- Thompson, Linda
- Thompson, Patricia
- Thompson, Ralph
- Thorton, Johnny
- Thrasher, Eric
- Tilley-Miese, Sandra
- Tillman, Georgeanna
- Tillman, Eric
- Tilmon, Abrim
- Tilmon, Ivory
- Timi, Ray Jr.
- Tipton, Kaye
- Tollin, Larry
- Tominaro, Camille
- Townsend, Ed
- Townsend, Ron
- Tracey, Wreg
- Travis, Betty
- Travis, Mike
- Trice, Jamal
- Trotter, Patricia
- Trudeau, John
- Trudell, John
- Tucker, Carol Ann
- Tucker, Lynette
- Turner, Al
- Turner, Dan
- Turner, Leon
- Turner, Iola
- Turner, Sammy
- Turner, Shirley
- Turner, Spider
- Turner, Thurman “Tee”
- Turrentine, Stanley
- Tuytens, Muriel
- Tyler, Willie
- Tyson, Mary
- Tyson, Ron
- Tyson, Rusty
- Uggams, Leslie
- Ung, Norman
- Upchurch, Phil
- Upton, Ronald
- Valente, Al
- Valli, Frankie
- Valvano, Mike
- Van DePitte, David “Dave”
- Van Dyke, Earl
- Van Dyke, Connie
- Vanda, Harry
- Varley, Jim
- Vaughn, Janis
- Veeder, Larry
- Veerman, Cees
- Veerman, Piet
- Vega, Carmen Rosa “Tata Vega”
- Vernee Allen, Yvonne
- Verneen, Ben
- Verona, Phillip
- Vertucci, Judy
- Vigoda, Johanon
- Villalobos, Bobby
- Villasenor, Willie
- Vita, Larry
- Wade, Marcus
- Wade, Roger
- Waggoner, Larry
- Wagner, Byron David
- Wagner, John
- Waites, Frederick “Freddie”
- Wakefield, Ronald
- Walden, Roy
- Walker, Junior
- Walker, Arenita
- Walker, David T.
- Walker, Joyce
- Walker, Patricia
- Walker, Robert
- Wallace, Calvin
- Waller, Anne-Marie
- Walsh, Jon
- Walter, David
- Walton, Dorothy
- Ward, Georgia
- Ward, Robert
- Ward, “Singin” Sammy
- Ware, Carol
- Ware, Leon
- Warfield, Stevie
- Warmack, James
- Warner, Maxine
- Warner, Norman “Bobby Lewis”
- Warren, Dale
- Warren, Paul
- Washington, Earl
- Washington, Gladys
- Washington, Maurice
- Washington, Tony
- Washington, Jr., Grover
- Washinton, Margaret
- Waters, Joan
- Watkins, Eddie
- Watkins, Glenn
- Watkins, Felicie
- Watkins, Maurice
- Watts, David
- Weatherspoon, William
- Weaver, Nate
- Webb, Jimmy
- Webb, Joyce
- Webb, Myrna
- Webb, Spider
- Webber, Harry
- Weber, Dennis
- Weeks, Terry
- Weems, Barbara
- Wegener, Deborah
- Weiner, Miles
- Weiner, Mort
- Weisbarth, Michael
- Weiseger, Arthur
- Weisenfeld, Sue
- Weiskopf, Walt
- Welch, Robert
- Weldon, Gregory
- Wells, Mary
- Wells, Bryan
- Wells, Richard
- Welsh, Beverly
- Werts, Elbert
- Wekser, Marty
- West, Albert R.
- West, Forest L.
- West, Frank
- Weston, Kim
- Weyer, Marvin
- White, Don
- White, Robert
- White, Ronald “Ronnie”
- White, James
- White, Jim
- White, Walter
- Whited, Donald
- Whitehead-Evans, Joan
- Whitehouse, Dave
- Whitfield, Norman
- Whitfield, James
- Whitlow, Jerome
- Whittaker, Willie
- Widdicombe, John
- Wiggins, Reginald
- Wilder, Amos
- Wilder, Lee
- Wilder, Willie Mae
- Wiley, Michael
- Wiley, Jr., Isaac “Ike”
- Wilkins, Ernie
- Wilkins, Jimmy
- Willensky, Elliot
- Williams, Milan
- Williams, Paul
- Williams, Andre “Bacon Fat”
- Williams, Annette
- Williams, Billy Dee
- Williams, Sondra “Blinky”
- Williams, Bob
- Williams, Buster
- Williams, Derrence
- Williams, Gerald “Jerry”
- Williams, Gloria
- Williams, Herbie
- Williams, Gregory
- Williams, James
- Williams, Joe
- Williams, Juanita
- Williams, Kathy
- Williams, Larry
- Williams, Michael
- Williams, Otis
- Williams, Percy
- Williams, Rita
- Williams, Roscoe
- Williams, Ross
- Williams, Ruth
- Williams, Jr., Dessie
- Williamson, Bruce
- Willis, Eddie “Chank”
- Willis, Bruce
- Wilmot, Al
- Wilson, Frank
- Wilson, Jackie
- Wilson, Betty
- Wilson, Jon “Little John”
- Wilson, Mary
- Wilson, Nadine
- Wilson, Timothy
- Winfield, Mildred L.
- Wingate, Ed
- Winter, Barbara
- Wise, Norman
- Wisniewski, Leonard
- Wolfrum, Edward
- Wonder, Stevie
- Wooden, Marjorie
- Woods, Lillian
- Woods, Willie
- Woods, Mickey
- Woodson, Ali “Ollie”
- Woodward, Debbie
- Woodward, Gail
- Wooldridge, Philip
- Wright, Syreeta
- Wright, Arthur
- Wright, Barni
- Wright, Dougie
- Wright, Greg
- Wright, Melvin
- Wright, Richard
- Wright, Sally
- Wright, Steven
- Wright, Yvonne
- Wuletich, Kim
- Wylie, Richard “Popcorn”
- Wylie, Hank
- Wynn, Janet
- Yazzie, Chili
- Yeszin, Bernard
- Young, Chuck
- Young, George
- Young, Joseph
- Young, Joyce
- Young, Neil
- Young, Val
- Young, Jr., Hosea
- Young, Jr., Leonidas
- Young, Sr., Lee
- Zachary, Michael
- Zaslov, Vic
- Zesses, Nick